Sunday 12 February 2012

First world problems

I realise this is going to be completely anticlimactic because I may or may not have slightly hyped this up to be the end of my blogging hiatus and everyone now expects rainbows and unicorns to sprout from my fingertips.

Anyway, I'm ditching my other most recent site before I even reach five posts because wordpress sucks for charging people to alter their CSS/HTML, and that's possibly the biggest turn-off for a nerd who owned at least three xanga sites solely for layout-testing purposes and spent most of her Sunday's in her teenage years looking up the funky cursors and ad-removing codes.

While I'm so far happy with this blog and don't intend to leave it for another, I don't guarantee content to be any more interesting than daily - provided I stay diligently bratty - whines about my first world problems, such as how utterly heartbroken I am to have five consecutive days off and still not be able to leave the country because my dad thinks the prerequisite to being able to save lives is first not to have one yourself. So instead of baking my butt a nice brown on a sunny beach somewhere in the Philippines, I've been spending one of my last holidays ever until I retire forty years later doing my laundry and reading literature on whether or not delaying a surgical repair of a fractured clavicle messes up the function of the patient (conclusion: not really).

Actually, much of the time I should've spent on said research was used instead on thinking of lame medical puns I can use for the name of this blog. Very important, as the saying goes: 唔怕生命,最怕改名. Eliminated contestants included shurgery-gone-wong and medical-amashur. I see you shaking your head in dismay/disbelief/disgust - hey, at least some others (ahem, Douglas) are having a good laugh.


  1. grad trip when i get back to hk? should be coming back in june :)

  2. i'm not familiar with blogspot. can you change your username quite easily? it's difficult on xanga, as you have to pay $10 or a ridiculous amount of credits.

    1. for both blogspot and wordspress, yep! so convenient too - it's listed under settings


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