Tuesday, 28 February 2012

The glamorous life

I've been told that my girlfriends and I live like glamour girls. I hope whoever said that meant it in the context of an apparently-exorbitant lifestyle and not in the whore kind of way. Since blogging requires momentum and I've clearly lost mine in the past week of last-minute panic before my first examination this year, I figured I should write about just anything I can think of before the inertia completely sets in, so I'm going to record the trivialities as I go along, and you'll be able to live vicariously through my words life as a Shirley for one day and decide how much glamour in there there is for yourself...

Sunday, 19 February 2012

The inner keen bean

I can never understand why people get bored. They'd have to be absolute sloths to still have all that time on their hands when there are so many things that can be done. I'm not saying they're all useful pursuits - in my case, they mostly are not - but at least I'm always entertained. For example, this morning I woke up, made a list of restaurants I want to visit in due course, ate a bowl of cornflakes, then decided to extend the mini-break that I gave myself yesterday before I start my weeklong revision for Saturday's CCT because, as usual, there's nothing I do quite as well as procrastinating and rewarding myself for trivial achievements, like nailing yesterday's presentation.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Obligatory v-day post

Hope you all had a happy Valentine's day!

I know, it's such a corrupt way of celebrating eros. Why the hearts, flowers and fluffiness, you say? I refuse to be part of this cookie-cutter routine that is to send the girl a nice bouquet and buy her dinner!

Monday, 13 February 2012

Nailing it

Today, I embarked on a journey of no return.

Ladies and gentlemen, I bought my first ever bottle of nail polish.

I know right, how is it possible for someone who has such an unhealthy obsession with all things makeup-related - so much so that she never goes home without a new lipgloss - not to own a single lacquer?

It is therefore my sincere belief that this purchase was long past due. I know, you are going to tell me that this decision is not without grave consequences: now that I own my first polish, there is no stopping me from becoming a mani-ac (punny!) who insist their twenty-five bottles of black varnishes are, in fact, different shades and variations of charcoal and ebony. To counter this line of thought, I would like to point out the medical faculty condemns anyone wearing bright nails in the wards, and this alone should empirically stem any potential obsession with buying too many polishes.

...or did I just give myself the excuse to buy myself a collection of creams, ivories, baby pinks and other 'work-appropriate' colours? Zeus totally knew that Pandora would open that box of evils.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

First world problems

I realise this is going to be completely anticlimactic because I may or may not have slightly hyped this up to be the end of my blogging hiatus and everyone now expects rainbows and unicorns to sprout from my fingertips.

Anyway, I'm ditching my other most recent site before I even reach five posts because wordpress sucks for charging people to alter their CSS/HTML, and that's possibly the biggest turn-off for a nerd who owned at least three xanga sites solely for layout-testing purposes and spent most of her Sunday's in her teenage years looking up the funky cursors and ad-removing codes.