Monday, 9 April 2012


I like writing, I like reading what people write about what I've written, I like reading what people write. Despite numerous attempts to create outlets where I could spew whatever I fancied without a care who was reading, I often end up - without intention initially - creating fixed personas. 

It has become quite apparent that there is something my readers find inherently interesting about my superficiality. I think this monologue is proof that I make a pretty good airhead:

Thursday, 5 April 2012


For those tucked cosily indoors and watching raindrops slide off window panes, the city's been cast a lovely shade of dove grey today; but for those scrambling for cover in a once-white-now-see-through shirt and no umbrella, the streets are wet and murky, and would it please stop fucking raining?

Guess which situation I was in this afternoon.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Training for robotics

I am an easy addict. I pick up new obsessions extremely quickly. It is a curse that I grow out of them at an equally hasty rate, as it makes me a jack of all trades and master at none, but fortunately for you, it means there is a great chance I will finally stop raving about nail polish after this third post on the subject.

I do not even know where to begin with the wonders of my new preoccupation. For starters, I have not been this academically diligent since my medicine rotation in year 3, because I have found that there is truly no better complement to a manicure than a textbook. It's not that there's nothing better you can do in between applying your second and third layers (in fact, typing/txting on iPhone is one of the few things I can do effortlessly without smudging my polish - whoever invented the touchscreen must've been a woman who enjoyed painting her nails), but the fact that it is such a waste of time - you are literally watching paint dry - the sheer decadency of those 5-10 minutes of otherwise idle waiting evokes a stronger feeling of guilt than any other useless interest I have ever pursued. And with guilt comes motivation, so at the end of the day you have nice fingertips and knowledge of lamotrigine's side effects. Talk about an undecuple win. By the way, that's an elevenfold win - one win for each freshly manicured nail.