Tuesday 20 March 2012

Nail fail

Shit! I just did my nails for the first time - or more like, only the ones on my left hand - and I've totally messed up omg. I tried covering my mistakes with a new layer of polish but I screwed those ones up too, and finally decided it might be a good idea to stop after the third coat.

And anyway, how the fuck do girls give themselves manicures on both hands?! I'm right-handed and it looked like a colouring job from a Parkinsonian kindergartener when I tried painting on a base coat with its counterpart. My only consolation is that it doesn't look that bad if you look at it from far away - I think they'd look half decent at an outstretched arm's length if I was an orangutan. Now I finally understand why people go to nail salons, and also why they sell polish remover in massive 32oz bottles. Fml.

Apparently some people were unnerved by the level of intelligence I exhibited in my previous updates about psychiatry, so this is an extremely bimbo entry to balance everything out. Actually, I'm going to counteract the superficiality of this post by telling you to donate to cancer research, quit smoking and put an end to bile-farming, just to prove that there's more to me than, you know, looking like a radiologist.


  1. be ambidextrous =P

  2. LOL 3rd coat? oh my. i hope you're using a top coat. yes non-dominant nail painting is a challenge but it's doable.


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