Saturday 4 May 2013


You'd think that I would be completely stress-free with exams over and degree in hand, but apparently it's quite the opposite. It's times like these when I wish I had a vibrator

Aw! I googled 'cute vibrator' and this came up

...for my literature review so it could finish itself off while I play yet another game of Candy Crush. If you've noticed me climbing up about a hundred levels since two weeks ago, it's because I started a research module as part of my attachment around the same time. Research is a lot like natto - not everyone's cup of tea, and most definitely not mine.

Perhaps it's ironic that one of my major stressors in my last long break before I start work is the fact that it is my last long break before I start work. This self-imposed urge that I must make the best out of my holidays eventually snowballed into an ambitious three week long trip to a country I know nothing about, save for its exports of pasta, Miu Miu and hot men.

Armed with the only phrase I can now vocalise with terrible pronunciation - "Buon giorno, vorrei prenotare un tavolo per tre per prossima domenica sera alle venti," I called the trattoria and waited, and waited, and waited. Then I realised they don't open on Saturday afternoons. 一鼓作氣 fail.

Guess I'll have to resume literature reviewing while I wait another six hours before making another call. My dad's jamming to Jennifer Lopez's I'm into you while watching mountain biking videos, so I have good reason to be unproductive. Feeling lucky like a four leaf clover. Not.

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