Thursday, 19 July 2012

My vaginal expeditions

After the last post dedicated to my girlfriends, here's one for the boys too.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Why you shouldn't be a whore

My girlfriends who suffer from urinary tract infections or need advice on contraception/plan b will be pleased to know that I have started my rotation in obstetrics and gynaecology. Gynae only, to be exact, so my eyes are, until two weeks later, safe from seeing vaginas get ripped open by babies' heads and uteri being pried open with brute force.

The thing about O&G is everyone warns you about how bloody and disturbing obs is, but nobody tells you gynae is just as bad.

Last week I had the misfortune of attending the colposcopy clinic. To put it in laymen terms, the purpose of this looking at the vagina and cervix through a microscope is to check for lesions so that early cervical cancer can be detected, which isn't all too bad...until they do find something suspicious and decide to take biopsies, i.e. a tissue sample. For cost-effective purposes, only those ladies with positive Pap smears are referred for a colposcopy, so essentially every patient I saw that afternoon had chunks of tissue clamped off them with forceps like these...